247: Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85333449796
OR call in to 1-872-240-8052 and use the Webinar ID: 853 3344 9796
This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 and a local State of Emergency declared by the City of Sturgis on March 24th, 2021 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
05/13/2021 08:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkCity of Sturgis Employee's Retirement System Board MeetingPublic Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85333449796
OR call in to 1-872-240-8052 and use the Webinar ID: 853 3344 9796
This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 and a local State of Emergency declared by the City of Sturgis on March 24th, 2021 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Online - See information below Sturgis247jburkey@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.
05/13/2021 17:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkPlanning Commission MeetingThe Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.City Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247wprichard@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 17:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkSturges-Young Advisory Board MeetingThe Sturges-Young Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Sturges-Young Center for the Arts and promoting its use. Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247sbolda@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversee the activity of these bodies established to promote development in the Sturgis area and rehabilitate and redevelop brownfield properties.
05/13/2021 16:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkEconomic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority MeetingThe Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversee the activity of these bodies established to promote development in the Sturgis area and rehabilitate and redevelop brownfield properties.City Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247akuk@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 07:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkDowntown Development Authority Board of Directors MeetingThe DDA Board of Directors supervises the activities of the DDA and works with business owners to promote the downtown community. Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce 306 W. Chicago Rd. Sturgis247akuk@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Doyle and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Doyle Community Center and advising on issues related to the City Recreation Department.
05/13/2021 16:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkDoyle and Recreation Advisory Board MeetingThe Doyle and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Doyle Community Center and advising on issues related to the City Recreation Department. Doyle Community Center 310 N. Franks Ave. Sturgis247mliston@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 09:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkParks & Cemetery Board MeetingThe Parks and Cemetery Board are responsible for guiding policy of the City's parks and cemeteries and providing recommendations on the same.Cty Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247jburkey@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 18:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkCity Commission MeetingCity Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month.City Hall - Wiesloch Raum 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247krhodes@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.
05/13/2021 17:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkPlanning Commission MeetingThe Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.City Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247wprichard@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 17:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkSturges-Young Advisory Board MeetingThe Sturges-Young Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Sturges-Young Center for the Arts and promoting its use. Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247sbolda@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 18:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkCity Commission MeetingCity Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month.City Hall - Wiesloch Raum 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgiskrhodes@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Doyle and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Doyle Community Center and advising on issues related to the City Recreation Department.
05/13/2021 16:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkDoyle and Recreation Advisory Board MeetingThe Doyle and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Doyle Community Center and advising on issues related to the City Recreation Department. Doyle Community Center 310 N. Franks Ave. Sturgis247mliston@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversee the activity of these bodies established to promote development in the Sturgis area and rehabilitate and redevelop brownfield properties.
05/13/2021 16:0005/13/2021 America/New YorkEconomic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority MeetingThe Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversee the activity of these bodies established to promote development in the Sturgis area and rehabilitate and redevelop brownfield properties.City Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247akuk@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 07:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkDowntown Development Authority Board of Directors MeetingThe DDA Board of Directors supervises the activities of the DDA and works with business owners to promote the downtown community. Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce 306 W. Chicago Rd. Sturgis247akuk@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
05/13/2021 17:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkSturges-Young Advisory Board MeetingThe Sturges-Young Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Sturges-Young Center for the Arts and promoting its use. Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247sbolda@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.
05/13/2021 17:3005/13/2021 America/New YorkPlanning Commission MeetingThe Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.City Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247wprichard@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY