247: Bring any used polystyrene foam including post-consumer foam cups and "to-go" containers, egg cartons, ice chests, rinsed meat trays, protective packaging foam (frequently used to protect electronics during shipping), and other foam with the #6 inside the chasing arrows triangle.
03/05/2021 09:0003/05/2021 12:00America/New YorkStyrofoam RecyclingBring any used polystyrene foam including post-consumer foam cups and "to-go" containers, egg cartons, ice chests, rinsed meat trays, protective packaging foam (frequently used to protect electronics during shipping), and other foam with the #6 inside the chasing arrows triangle.
Department of Public Services Building 805 N. Centerville Rd. Sturgis247jburkey@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: Join us Sundays from 9 am - 2 pm for Breakfast and Brunch favorites in a socially distanced, welcoming environment! Or order TO-GO, with curbside pick up, or have your meal DELIVERED right to your door for a few $ more! We offer a variety of delicious and affordable made-to-order selections for the whole family! Coffee included with any order! Or indulge in an early morning bloody mary, mimosa, or Irish coffee! (269) 651-8541 for To-Go or Delivery.
No parties greater than 6 seated together. Reservations not required. Masks MUST be worn in the building (including restroom usage) until seated at your table. We wear masks and gloves for your safety and ask that you extend the same courtesy to our staff. If you prefer not to wear a mask, we are happy to bring to-go orders to your car or deliver to your door for a small charge! Help keep everyone safe and operational!
03/05/2021 09:0003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkSunday Brunch at Sturges-YoungJoin us Sundays from 9 am - 2 pm for Breakfast and Brunch favorites in a socially distanced, welcoming environment! Or order TO-GO, with curbside pick up, or have your meal DELIVERED right to your door for a few $ more! We offer a variety of delicious and affordable made-to-order selections for the whole family! Coffee included with any order! Or indulge in an early morning bloody mary, mimosa, or Irish coffee! (269) 651-8541 for To-Go or Delivery.
No parties greater than 6 seated together. Reservations not required. Masks MUST be worn in the building (including restroom usage) until seated at your table. We wear masks and gloves for your safety and ask that you extend the same courtesy to our staff. If you prefer not to wear a mask, we are happy to bring to-go orders to your car or deliver to your door for a small charge! Help keep everyone safe and operational!Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247artsinfo@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
03/05/2021 17:3003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkSplash Pad Planning MeetingElectronic Meeting 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgisjburkey@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
City Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month. This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81472931560 OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 814 7293 1560
View the meeting (no participation): https://youtu.be/2pwVUJpqjFc
03/05/2021 18:0003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkCity Commission MeetingCity Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month. This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81472931560 OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 814 7293 1560
View the meeting (no participation): https://youtu.be/2pwVUJpqjFc
Online - See information below Sturgiskrhodes@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
Join us Friday, March 12th, for an advanced celebration of St. Patrick's Day in conjunction with the Winter Wine Down Art Auction put on by the DDA at Open Door Gallery. Our Event menu features Irish favorites Corn Beef & Cabbage for $15.95, Fish & Chips for $14.95, and Shepherd's Pie for $13.95! All meals include soft drinks, tea or coffee, side salad, roll, and dessert. Full bar selection available, including Guinness, get your Social District To-Go cup here and bring it with you when you visit the Art Auction after Dinner! To-Go and Delivery are available as well! (269) 651-8541 to place an order or call ahead for a table. (Covid-19 restrictions of mask usage still in effect)
03/05/2021 17:0003/05/2021 20:00America/New YorkWinter Wine Down DinnerJoin us Friday, March 12th, for an advanced celebration of St. Patrick's Day in conjunction with the Winter Wine Down Art Auction put on by the DDA at Open Door Gallery. Our Event menu features Irish favorites Corn Beef & Cabbage for $15.95, Fish & Chips for $14.95, and Shepherd's Pie for $13.95! All meals include soft drinks, tea or coffee, side salad, roll, and dessert. Full bar selection available, including Guinness, get your Social District To-Go cup here and bring it with you when you visit the Art Auction after Dinner! To-Go and Delivery are available as well! (269) 651-8541 to place an order or call ahead for a table. (Covid-19 restrictions of mask usage still in effect)Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgisartsinfo@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
Downtown wine event and silent art auction from the "Art Around Town" art pieces from 2019 & 2020. Own a piece of local art by bidding on these pieces of art during the event at the Open Door Gallery or by calling the gallery at 269-659-9977.
03/05/2021 17:3003/05/2021 21:00America/New YorkWine Out Of Winter/Art AuctionDowntown wine event and silent art auction from the "Art Around Town" art pieces from 2019 & 2020. Own a piece of local art by bidding on these pieces of art during the event at the Open Door Gallery or by calling the gallery at 269-659-9977.
Downtown Sturgis Downtown Sturgis Sturgisrconrod@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
The Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.
This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84915733446 OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 849 1573 3446
03/05/2021 17:3003/05/2021 21:00America/New YorkPlanning Commission MeetingThe Planning Commission advises the City Commission on matters relating to the development of the City and prepares and recommends a Master Plan and Zoning Code for the City as scheduled and mandated by State law.
This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84915733446 OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 849 1573 3446
Online - See information below Sturgiswprichard@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
03/05/2021 17:3003/05/2021 21:00America/New YorkSturges-Young Advisory Board MeetingThe Sturges-Young Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Sturges-Young Center for the Arts and promoting its use. Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247sbolda@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: Electronic/Virtual Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Physical Location: None
Public Online Participation: https://bit.ly/3tyTbYy
OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 835 0501 6997 pw: 004325
This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 228 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
The general public may participate in the meeting electronically by using the Zoom link or dial-in phone number above; this will allow for two-way communication during public comment periods.
Residents can contact members of the public body in advance of the meeting to provide input or ask questions on any business that will come before the group. Contact information is available from the Clerk/Treasurer at krhodes@sturgismi.gov
If you require accommodations to participate in or view the meeting due to a disability, please contact the Clerk/Treasurer at krhodes@sturgismi.gov in advance of the meeting.
03/05/2021 17:3003/05/2021 19:00America/New YorkSYCA Advisory Board MeetingElectronic/Virtual Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Physical Location: None
Public Online Participation: https://bit.ly/3tyTbYy
OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 835 0501 6997 pw: 004325
This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 228 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
The general public may participate in the meeting electronically by using the Zoom link or dial-in phone number above; this will allow for two-way communication during public comment periods.
Residents can contact members of the public body in advance of the meeting to provide input or ask questions on any business that will come before the group. Contact information is available from the Clerk/Treasurer at krhodes@sturgismi.gov
If you require accommodations to participate in or view the meeting due to a disability, please contact the Clerk/Treasurer at krhodes@sturgismi.gov in advance of the meeting.
Zoom Link 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247artsinfo@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
03/05/2021 16:0003/05/2021 19:00America/New YorkSturgis Housing Commission MeetingThe Sturgis Housing Commission is responsible for setting the policy of the Maple Towers Senior Citizen's Complex.Maple Towers 128 S. Nottawa St. Sturgis247cgordon@coldwater.orgfalseMM/DD/YYYY
City Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month. This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86970673218 OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 869 7067 3218
Public Viewing (no participation): https://youtu.be/AQgpYAnnoKs
03/05/2021 18:0003/05/2021 19:00America/New YorkCity Commission MeetingCity Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month. This public body is meeting electronically as per Public Act 254 of 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All voting members of the public body will be participating electronically.
Public Online Participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86970673218 OR call in to 1-312-626-6799 and use the Webinar ID: 869 7067 3218
Public Viewing (no participation): https://youtu.be/AQgpYAnnoKs
Online - See information below Sturgiskrhodes@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
Join us for Easter Brunch this year! Made to order Prix Fixe menu with Easter favorites coming soon! Book your reservations now by calling (269) 651-8541.
03/05/2021 09:0003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkEaster Brunch at Sturges-YoungJoin us for Easter Brunch this year! Made to order Prix Fixe menu with Easter favorites coming soon! Book your reservations now by calling (269) 651-8541. Sturges-Young Center for the Arts 201 N. Nottawa Street Sturgisartsinfo@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Doyle and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Doyle Community Center and advising on issues related to the City Recreation Department.
03/05/2021 16:0003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkDoyle and Recreation Advisory Board MeetingThe Doyle and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for guiding policy of the Doyle Community Center and advising on issues related to the City Recreation Department. Doyle Community Center 310 N. Franks Ave. Sturgis247mliston@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: The Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversee the activity of these bodies established to promote development in the Sturgis area and rehabilitate and redevelop brownfield properties.
03/05/2021 16:0003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkEconomic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority MeetingThe Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversee the activity of these bodies established to promote development in the Sturgis area and rehabilitate and redevelop brownfield properties.City Hall 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247akuk@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
03/05/2021 07:3003/05/2021 14:00America/New YorkDowntown Development Authority Board of Directors MeetingThe DDA Board of Directors supervises the activities of the DDA and works with business owners to promote the downtown community. Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce 306 W. Chicago Rd. Sturgis247akuk@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
247: 2021 Youth T-Ball!!!
ALL Boys & Girls Ages 4-6 years old are invited to participate.
Practices will begin the week of May 24th and will take place in the early evenings during the week.
Games will take place on Saturday mornings beginning June 12th. (no games will be held on July 3rd) We will be coordinating with Youth Soccer so that children can participate in both sports with little conflict.
$24 for City Residents
$36 for Non-Residents
Coaches & Team sponsors needed! If you would like to help in any way, be sure to send us a message or make a note on your child's registration form. Thank you!
Questions? Please call 269.659.8110
03/05/2021 17:0003/05/2021 20:00America/New YorkT-Ball Registration2021 Youth T-Ball!!!
ALL Boys & Girls Ages 4-6 years old are invited to participate.
Practices will begin the week of May 24th and will take place in the early evenings during the week.
Games will take place on Saturday mornings beginning June 12th. (no games will be held on July 3rd) We will be coordinating with Youth Soccer so that children can participate in both sports with little conflict.
$24 for City Residents
$36 for Non-Residents
Coaches & Team sponsors needed! If you would like to help in any way, be sure to send us a message or make a note on your child's registration form. Thank you!
Questions? Please call 269.659.8110Doyle Center 310 N. Franks Ave. Sturgis247doylecenter@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY
03/05/2021 18:0003/05/2021 20:00America/New YorkCity Commission MeetingCity Commission Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month.City Hall - Wiesloch Raum 130 N. Nottawa Street Sturgis247krhodes@sturgismi.govfalseMM/DD/YYYY